The demand for exciting ways to display products is ever evolving. The most common and universal way to merchandise is off of a slatwall medium, but it leaves little to the imagination. Traditional LPL slat wall panels tend to turn into a bland wallpaper background, contributing nothing to the store environment. Textured slat wall changes all of that. The rich sophisticated look of Textured Slatwall – Designer Slatwall transforms your dull drab wall into something special. Slatwall has been around since the 80’s and almost every mass retailer, small retailer, or mid size is using the same boring product. White 3″ on center 4′ long x 8′ wide times about a billion sheets adorning the walls of every other store open today.
Well not anymore Slatwall Panels can be much more than just something to hang a hook on. Brick, Asphalt, or Textured metal panels that just so happen to accept slatwall accessories are taking the best feature of slatwall, and tossing out the rest. This revolutionary 3 dimensional slatwall has aluminum inserts for added strength but you wont see them, they are painted to match the rest of the panel. Your Slatwall Panel is now anything but boring. You can have the old world look of a brick wall, grout lines and all, it even feels like brick!
Slatwall Panels that look like a million dollars will make the perceived value of whatever you display on them look like a million dollars too. Remember if its displayed right its half sold